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Cohort Innovation Day

November 5 2025

Imagine Institute, Paris


Cohort Innovation Day (CID) is an international event aimed at fostering collaborations between researchers and economic players in the health sector. It provides a unique opportunity to showcase the potential of French cohorts to health companies, whether national or international, ranging from large industries to biotech firms.

For its 2025 edition, CID will take place on November 5th at Institut Imagine in Paris, organized by Ariis (Alliance for Research and Innovation in Health Industries), Medicen (the Health Competitiveness Cluster in Île-de-France), and Inserm.

The event will feature:

  • Plenary sessions and round tables
  • Presentations from participating cohorts
  • Dedicated B2B meetings between companies and cohort representatives

CID offers cohort leaders the chance to connect with economic players, promote their cohorts, and explore new collaborations or strengthen existing ones.

Participating cohorts will be selected through this call for expressions of interest by a scientific committee composed of experts from both academic and private research sectors. Selected cohorts will be featured in the event catalog, participate in B2B meetings, and some will present during plenary sessions.

Cohort leaders wishing to participate are encouraged to submit their applications via the link below. Special attention will be given to cohorts focused on at least one of the following four key therapeutic areas:

  • Immune and Inflammatory Diseases
  • Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Thromboembolic Diseases

However, outstanding cohorts from other fields may also be considered.

Apply Online: Submit your application here

Comming soon !!!

Online registration is open

Online registration is available until: September 28th, 2018  23:59 CET

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Coming soon !


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This page was last updated on 28 June 2018.